Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 17, 2017

Weekly Announcements

PREFACE (cont.)   (Taken from Notes Made at the Conferences of Dom Prosper Guéranger).   Now does the Priest take up the speech himself and continues thus alone: Vere dignum et justum est, aequum et salutare, nos tibi semper et ubique, gratias agere: Domine Sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus, per Christum Dominum nostrum. So it is truly just to give Thee thanks, O Almighty God, tibi to Thee, Thyself, semper et ubique, always and everywhere, and to render Thee this our Thanks, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Yes, indeed, it is through Jesus Christ that our Thanksgiving must be made, for were we to do so in our own name, there would be the Infinite between God and ourselves, and so our Thanksgiving could never reach unto Him; whereas, made through Jesus Christ, it goes straight up, and penetrates even right to the very centre of the Divinity. But, not only must we, human creatures, go to the Father through Our Lord, but the very Angels even, have no access except through Him. Hearken once more to the Priest: Per quem Majestatem tuam laudant angeli, by Whom, (i.e., Jesus Christ), the Angels praise Thy Majesty for, since the Incarnation, they adore the Godhead, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, the Sovereign High-Priest. Adorant  Dominationes, the Dominations adore through Jesus Christ; tremunt Potestates, the Powers too, those beauteous Angels, make their celestial thrillings heard, and in awe, tremble before the Face of Jesus Christ: Coeli, the Heavens, that is to say, Angels of still higher order; coelorumque Virtutes, and the Heavenly Virtues also, Angels yet more exalted; ac beata seraphim, and the Blessed Seraphim, who by their pure love come nighest unto God, - socia exsultatione concelebrant, all these stupendous Choirs blended together in one harmonious transport concelebrate, through Jesus Christ, the Majesty Divine. The Prefaces thus terminate by mentioning the Angels, in order to lead the Church Militant to sing the Hymn of the Church triumphant. Cum quibus et nostras voces ut dimitti jubeas deprecamur, supplici confessione dicentes; yea, fain are we to join anon our feeble voice to that mighty angelic strain, and we crave leave to begin even now whilst here below, and sinners still, the great: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Thus all Prefaces are formed on the one great idea of Giving Thanks to God, gratias agere; and of making this Thanksgiving through Jesus Christ, because it is by Him Alone that we can come nigh unto God, yea, approach in union with the Angels too, with whom we join in the celestial chorus of their Trisagion. Besides this the Common Preface, holy Church offers us others wherein we invite the Heavenly Spirits to celebrate with us, in one joint Act of Thanksgiving, the principal Mysteries of the Man-God, whether at Christmas or in Lent, or at Passion-tide, or at Easter, or, again, at Ascension or Pentecost. Nor does she fail to remember her by whom Salvation came to this our earth, the Glorious Virgin Mary; as also the holy Apostles by whom redemption was preached to the entire world. The Preface is intoned on the very same melody used by the ancient Greeks when celebrating some hero in their feasts, and there declaiming his mighty deeds in song.  
  • Sunday, Sept 17 - 15th Sunday after Pentecost     8:00 a.m.    Sr. Catherine of Christ     10:00 a.m.    Pro Populo
  • Monday, Sept 18 - St. Joseph of Cupertino, Confessor     7:30 a.m.    Elizabeth Nicolini
  • Tuesday, Sept 19 - St. Januarius, Bishop & Companions, Martyrs     7:00 a.m.    Katherine DeLaGrange
  • Wednesday, Sept 20 - Ember Wednesday of September     6:00 p.m.    Jim Momper
  • Thursday, Sept 21 - St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist     7:30 a.m.    FSSP
  • Friday, Sept 22 - Ember Friday of September     6:00 p.m.    John & Phyllis† Kuhn Family Living & Deceased
  • Saturday, Sept 23 - Ember Saturday of September     9:00 a.m.    Julie A Weilbaker 
  • Sunday, Sept 24 - 16th Sunday after Pentecost     8:00 a.m.    Julie A Weilbaker     10:00 a.m.    Pro Populo
30th Annual Bishop’s Appeal Our Annual Bishop’s Appeal will begin next week in our parish. Our goal for this year is $12,611.56. If we exceed our goal, the parish gets back 100% of the overage. Many people are aware that the dioceses typically take a percentage of the weekly collection from every parish for their operating expenses. Many however, are not aware that this diocese keeps that percentage very low compared to other dioceses some of which have assessments approaching 20% of the Sunday collection! Our Bishop relies on this appeal to run various diocesan programs and ministries including education of seminarians, pro-life activities, and works of charity towards those in need. Please be generous in supporting the work of Bishop Rhoades, and know that your pledges are appreciated!
Scrip   Scrip is a very easy way to help the parish financially without increasing your Sunday contribution. Please take a look at the order forms to see if there are vendors that you frequent. If so, just fill in the amount you would like to purchase. You will receive a gift card back that can be used any time and never expires. Please submit the form with a check by dropping it in the collection basket. For any questions call the office at 260-744-2519. All orders must be prepaid and will be placed on Monday of each week. Due to processing costs, in order to make a few dollars we have to have a combined total of all orders come to $400 or more. Your small order can help to reach this threshold.
New Table & Chairs The Rosary Sodality was able to purchase three tables and 24 chairs. We are asking for donations for new tables and chairs at the potlucks and coffee & donut functions. We will purchase these as the funds come in. It cost $365.29 for a table and eight chairs.
St Vincent de Paul Collection There will be a special collection next Sunday,  September 24th for the SVdP Society. This collection helps those in need in our area with their utilities and also with our food bank. Please use the Special Collections Envelope at the entrances if you would like to be acknowledged for your contribution. At the top of the Envelope mark SVdP Society along with your name. Thank You!
Photographer Needed We are in need of a photographer for the special occasions here at Sacred Heart like the parish picnic. If you enjoy taking pictures and would like to volunteer please call the parish office 260-744-2519. The pictures will be put in the bulletin if space allows.
Parish Picnic Our parish picnic will be September 24, at Foster Park, Pavilion #2, after the 10 AM Mass. The parish will supply burgers and hot dogs; everyone is asked to bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share. There is a sign-up sheet on the table near the front doors of church.  All are also encouraged to bring any outdoor games that they enjoy. The park is located not far from church, 3900 Old Mill Road, Fort Wayne.