Trinity Sunday

June 11, 2017

Weekly Announcements

OFFERTORY   (Taken from Notes Made at the Conferences of Dom Prosper Guéranger).   When the Symbol of Faith has been chanted by the faithful, the Priest kisses the Altar, and turning towards the people, he says: Dominus vobiscum, to which the usual response is given: Et cum Spiritu tuo. Wherefore does the Priest kiss the altar? Because being on the point of turning to the Faithful, he wishes to salute them with the kiss of Christ, and Christ Himself is represented by the Altar. Next comes the reading of the Offertory: this is a modern custom, because formerly whatever was sung by the Choir was never said at the Altar. The distinctive functions of the different clerical orders are very clearly marked at this portion of the Mass: to the Deacon it belongs to present the Paten with the Host upon it, to the Priest. The Deacon cannot consecrate, but he may carry the Holy Eucharist, he may even touch and administer It; so we are not astonished to see what he is now doing; whereas we see the Sub-Deacon remaining much further off from the Celebrant. The Priest, on receiving the Paten and whilst offering the Host, says the Prayer: Suscipe, Sancte Pater. This Prayer dates from the Eighth or Ninth century. In order the better to understand all these Prayers which now follow, we must keep steadily before us the Sacrifice itself, although it is not as yet offered in all its august reality. As a first instance, we have in this Prayer, the Host spoken of as being presented to the Eternal Father, although our host at this moment is not yet the Divine Host Itself. And it is said that this host is without spot: immaculatam hostiam; in these words allusion is made to the victims of the Old Testament, which were obliged to be without blemish, because they were a type of Our Lord, Who was one day to appear before us as the Immaculatus. In this Prayer the thought of the Priest runs far on, from the present moment; he is thinking of the host which will be on the Altar after Consecration, the Host which alone is the True Victim. And for whom does he offer it? Here we see the advantage of our being actually present and assisting at the Mass; for not only does the Priest offer it for himself but also for those who are surrounding him: pro omnibus circumstantibus. He continually keeps mentioning all those who are here present. But more than this; the action of the holy Sacrifice of the Mass extends so far, that the Priest speaks also of all the faithful, and takes care not to omit the dead; of these last, he presently makes mention saying: pro omnibus fidelibus Christianis vivis atque defunctis; for not only is the Sacrifice intended to give glory unto God, but it is meant likewise to procure good things for man.
  • Sunday, June 11 - Trinity Sunday     8:00 a.m.    Alexandra Jacobs     10:00 a.m.    Pro Populo 
  • Mon, Jun 12 - St John of San Facundo, Confessor     7:30 a.m.    Fr Aubert Grieser OFM
  • Tues, Jun 13 - St. Anthony of Padua, Confessor     7:30 a.m.    John & Kathleen Blake
  • Wed, Jun 14 - St Basil the Great, Bishop & Doctor     6:00 p.m.    Jerome Imrick
  • Thursday, June 15 - Corpus Christi     7:30 a.m.    Fr Calvin Goodwin
  • Friday, June 16 - Feria     6:00 p.m.    FSSP
  • Sat, June 17 - St. Gregory Barbarigo, Bishop     9:00 a.m.    Fr. Philip J. Lavin CSsR 
  • Sunday, June 18 - 2nd Sunday after Pentecost     8:00 a.m.     Mary Spence†     10:00 a.m.    Pro Populo
Special Conference on the Holy Eucharist -- 10:00 AM, June 17th In preparation for the External Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the pastor will offer a special conference on Saturday, June 17, beginning at 10 AM, entitled "How to Grow in Love for Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament." Some simple practical advice that all Catholics can take to increase their devotion to our Eucharistic Lord will be given. The intended audience is all Catholics, not only those attending Mass at Sacred Heart.  Please invite those you know to this special event which will no doubt bear much spiritual fruit.
Corpus Christi Although the feast as instituted by Urban IV falls on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, in non-Catholic countries it is common to celebrate the External Solemnity on the Sunday following. There will be a procession of the Blessed Sacrament after the High Mass next Sunday.  All those children who made their First Communion this year are invited to dress up as they did for their First Communion for the procession, and they can take a special place right behind the Blessed Sacrament in the procession.
HE MUST INCREASE, BUT I MUST DECREASE This year, the Vigil of the Feast of St. John the Baptist is June 23, also the Feast of the Sacred Heart. We will have a High Mass at 6 PM (a little earlier than usual for our evening High Masses) for the principal feast of our parish, followed by the traditional blessing of the fire outside the church after Mass. A potluck supper will follow. Please bring a meatless dish to share.   Additionally, there will be games for the children. Any brave adults can attempt the traditional leaping over the fire... This is also a good time to burn any worn out scapulars or other blessed items that one might have. The ideal would be that one of the parish families would host this celebration, but the timing  coinciding with the Feast of the Sacred Heart makes this impractical this year. The symbolism of the fire, which was typically watched until it went out late in the night, should be clear. At midsummer, the days are longest, representing the fullness of preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The chosen people had all the scriptures and the prophets, culminating in St. John the Baptist, greater than which there was none among the sons of women, as our Lord reminded the Jews.  But He also observed that the least in the kingdom of heaven was greater than John. So we contrast this the longest day of the year with the shortest, when our Lord came into this world in the flesh, in obscurity in a manger in Bethlehem, the bright light piercing through the darkness.
Photographer Needed We are in need of a photographer for the special occasions here at Sacred Heart. If you enjoy taking pictures and would like to volunteer please call the parish office 260-744-2519. The pictures will be put in the bulletin if space allows.
New Table & Chairs The Rosary Sodality was able to purchase one table and eight chairs. We are asking for donations for new tables and chairs at the potlucks and coffee & donut functions. We will purchase these as the funds come in. It cost $365.29 for a table and eight chairs.
Pentecost Collection for the Education of Seminarians in our Diocese - In Case You Forgot If you did not make your Pentecost Collection offering, please take time to do so today. Please drop your donation in the collection basket or feel free to donate online at the diocesan website, thank you for your generosity to this important collection!