Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

October 8, 2017

Weekly Announcements

 CANON OF THE MASS (cont.)  (Taken from Notes Made at the Conferences of Dom Prosper Guéranger).   The various Prayers of which the Canon is composed are of the highest antiquity; nevertheless, they cannot be traced to the very first days of Holy Church; this is proved by the fact that the Divine Service was at first performed in the Greek tongue, a language in much more general use, at that epoch, than the Latin. It is probable, therefore, to suppose that the Prayers, such as we have them, were drawn up verging on the Second Century, or possibly as late as the first years of the Third. Every Church has its Canon; but if these differ a little as to form, the substance is always the very same, and the doctrine expressed in their various rites, agrees often identically with that expressed in our Latin Rite. We have in this fact, an admirable proof of the unity of belief, be the Rite what it may. The initial letter of the first Prayer of the Canon is T, which is equivalent to the Hebrew Tau, and which, by its very shape, represents a Cross. No other sign could better be placed as a heading to this Great Prayer, in the course of which the Sacrifice of Calvary is renewed. Thus it was, that when those magnificent Sacramentaries were first of all written, ornamented with vignettes and rich designs of every kind, this Tau was lavishly treated in decoration, and at length came the happy idea of painting a figure of Christ on this Cross, supplied by the Text itself. By degrees the design got enlarged, until it ended in becoming a representation of the entire scene of the Crucifixion; still, large as it was, it continued to be merely an adjunct to the initial letter only of the Prayer Te igitur. But at length, a subject of so great importance, was deemed worthy of being treated quite independently of this, and the result was a separate picture. So that now, there is no complete Missal without an engraving of Christ on the Cross, placed on the leaf facing that on which the Canon begins. And this can be traced to the simple fact of this little vignette which ornamented the Ancient Sacramentaries. As to the importance of the Tau itself, we hear mention of it even in the Old Testament; for Ezechiel says, speaking of the elect, that the blood of the Victim being taken, all those whom God had reserved to Himself should be marked therewith on the forehead with the sign of the Tau, and that the Lord had promised to spare all those thus marked (Ezechiel, ix. 46.). This is explained by the great fact that we are all saved by the Cross of Jesus Christ, which was made in the form of the Tau. In confirmation also the Bishop marks the Tau with Holy Oil, on the forehead of those whom he confirms. Our Lord’s Cross was in the shape of a Tau, thus: T. Above it a piece of wood was placed as a support to the Title affixed, and thus is completed the shape of the cross such as we now have it; for we learn, in St. John, that the cause of Our Lord’s death was placed above the cross: Scripsit autem et titulum Pilatus, et posuit super crucem (S. John, xix. 19).  Notice of what high importance is this one letter which commences the Great Prayer of the Canon.
  •  Sunday, October 8 - 18th Sunday after Pentecost     8:00 a.m.    Robert J. Heiny     10:00 a.m.    Pro Populo
  • Monday, October 9 - St. John Leonard, Confessor      7:30 a.m.    John & Phyllis Kuhn Family Living & Deceased
  • Tuesday, Oct 10 - St. Francis Borgia, Confessor     7:00 a.m.    Mark & Loree Johnston (30th Anniversary)
  • Wednesday, October 11 - The Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary     6:00 p.m.    Poor Souls
  • Thursday, October 12 - Feria     7:30 a.m.    Katherine DeLaGrange
  • Friday, October 13 - St. Edward, King, Confessor     6:00 p.m.    Martin J. Heiny
  • Saturday, Oct 14 - St. Callistus I, Pope & Martyr      9:00 a.m.    Jim Momper
  • Sunday, October 15 - 19th Sunday after Pentecost     8:00 a.m.    Joe Knepper     10:00 a.m.    Pro Populo
MASS REQUESTS If you desire a Mass to be celebrated for a particular intention, please place the offering along with the specific intention in writing in an envelope clearly marked Mass Intention and place it in the collection basket.  For individual intentions, make sure to specify whether the person is living or deceased. Alternatively, you can approach the pastor or bring or mail the request to the church. We do not accept phoned-in or emailed requests. Everything must be together at the time the request is made. Please note that Mass stipends are NOT tax-deductible according to IRS regulations.
 SPECIAL CONFERENCE -- OCTOBER 21 at 10 AM "Navigating Your Children Through the Dangers of the Modern World"  — Presented by the Pastor of Sacred Heart Church. Parents have a special duty to guide their children towards being good and responsible adults.  Catholic parents have in addition the grave duty to raise their children to be good Catholics who do not follow the "spirit of the age" often spoken of by so many of our popes.  We will examine some of the ways in which the "spirit of the age" hurts Catholic families in the present day -- even those with the very best of intentions -- in the hopes that some spiritual "damage control" can prevent harm to souls in the years to come. Older teens and young adults will provide supervised activities for any children who require supervision during this conference, which is intended for parents or those soon to be parents.  The conference will take place in the basement of the school building.
Scrip   For the month of September we made $10 with just one family supporting the Scrip program. Scrip is a very easy way to help the parish financially without increasing your Sunday contribution. Please take a look at the order forms to see if there are vendors that you frequent. If so, just fill in the amount you would like to purchase. You will receive a gift card back that can be used any time and never expires. Please submit the form with a check by dropping it in the collection basket. For any questions call the office at 260-744-2519. All orders must be prepaid and will be placed on Monday of each week. Due to processing costs, in order to make a few dollars we have to have a combined total of all orders come to $400 or more. Your small order can help to reach this threshold.
St. Vincent de Paul “Brown Bag Collection” Please continue to help our food bank here at Sacred Heart by taking a brown bag and filling it with non perishable foods. Every Friday the  Sacred Heart St Vincent de Paul Society has a food bank that is open to anyone living in the Fort Wayne area. We currently serve an average of 110 families. Please bring the filled bag back by the 2nd Sunday of each month and we will exchange it with another empty brown bag. This gives everyone an  opportunity to help feed the poor in our city and work on our corporal works of mercy. Thank you in advance to all those who help us keep our food bank going.
 Bishop’s Appeal 2017We have received 86% towards our goal of $12,611.56 Thanks to all who have already given! For those who have not please prayerfully consider what you might be able to give. Pledge cards are available by the front entrance. You may place them in the       collection basket or mail. May God reward you!
For Sale at reduced cost. Catholic Cemetery, 2 lots in Section J For more information, call: 260-385-2190 Email: donnamoran@embarqmail.com