Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 18, 2016

Weekly Announcements

EPISTLE (Taken from Notes Made at the Conferences of Dom Prosper Guéranger) After the Collect, and the other Prayers, which are frequently added under the name of Commemorations, there follows the Epistle, which is, almost always, taken from the Epistles of one or other of the Apostles, although, occasionally, from some other Book of the holy Scriptures.  The custom of reading only one Epistle in the Mass, is not of the number of those which were in use in the primitive Church; yet it dates back at least a thousand years. In the Early Ages, there was read first a Lesson from the Old Testament; after which, followed some passage selected from the Apostolic Writings. At present, it is the Epistle alone that is read, excepting on Ember Days and certain Ferias. The practice of reading Lessons from the Old Testament during Mass, ceased when the Missal was drawn up in its present form, and which contains the whole of what is said at Mass, both by the Priest and by the Choir; and, on that account, is called a Full Missal. An Ancient Missal, called a Sacramentary, contained nothing, as we have already stated, beyond the Prayers, the Prefaces, and the Canon. All the rest was to be looked for in the Antiphonary, the Bible, and the Evangeliarium. We have been losers by the change; for each Mass had its proper Preface; whereas, now, the number of these liturgical compositions is reduced to a minimum. The same method was observed in the Divine Office, since, in those times, there were no Breviaries; and each Choir had to be supplied with a Psaltery, Hymnary, Bible, Passional, which related the Acts of the Saints, and a Homily-Book, which contained the Sermons of the Holy Fathers. For a long period after that, the first Sunday of Advent retained its privilege of having two Epistles in the Mass. At last, it, also, was to have but one. The Office of this Sunday was, however, treated with a special consideration, and has retained, more faithfully than most others, the ancient usages. Thus, though a semidouble, the Suffrages are not to be said upon it; nor, indeed, during the whole period up to the Epiphany. The Suffrages do not date beyond the 11th century; previously there were none. Thus everything in the holy Sacrifice proceeds with order: the Priest has, first of all, expressed the desires and petitions of the assembled Faithful, holy Church has spoken through him. We shall soon be hearing the words of our divine Master, in the Gospel; but we are to be prepared for that, by the word of his servant; this was done in the Epistle. So that, we first have the Prophet, then the Apostle, and, at length, our Lord Himself. [Note: The "suffrages" that Dom Gueranger mentions were special prayers to the Virgin Mary, Ss. Peter and Paul, the local patron saint, and a special prayer for peace, done at the end of Lauds and Vespers in the older form of the divine office.  They were sadly reduced with the breviary reform of Pius X and eliminated altogether with the reform of John XXIII. The term "semidouble" referred to an older system of ranking feasts, also abolished by John XXIII.]
GRADUAL Between the Epistle and the Gospel, we have the Gradual. It consists of a Responsory and its Versicle. Formerly, the whole Responsory was repeated both before and after the Versicle, in the way now used with the Brief Responsories; only, the Responsory was exceedingly rich in notes. The Gradual is really the most musical piece in the whole Liturgy; and, as the rendering of it requires great skill, there were    never more than two chanters permitted to sing it. When about to sing it, they went to the Ambo, which was a sort of marble pulpit, placed in the church; and it was on account of the steps, which led to the Ambo, that this portion of the chant got the name of Gradual; just as the Gradual Psalms were those which the Jews used to sing whilst ascending the steps of the Temple. [Note: the word gradus in Latin means "step"]
  • Sunday, December 18 - Fourth Sunday of Advent 8:00 a.m.  John & Phyllis Kuhn & Family  10:00 a.m.  Pro Populo
  • Monday, December 19 - Greater Feria of Advent 7:30 a.m.    Sr Catherine of Christ
  • Tuesday, December 20 - Greater Feria of Advent  7:30 a.m.    †Mary K. Gill
  • Wednesday, December 21 - St. Thomas, Apostle  6:00 p.m. Jim & Emma Momper 
  • Thursday, December 22 - Greater Feria of Advent 7:30 a.m.    Sr Catherine of Christ
  • Friday, December 23 - Greater Feria of Advent 6:00 p.m.    †Joseph & Irene Gabet Family
  • Saturday, December 24 - Vigil of the Nativity 9:00 a.m.   †Michael Yagodinski
  • Sunday, December 25 - Nativity of the Lord 8:00 a.m.     Helen Coomes     10:00 a.m.    Pro Populo
Christmas Schedule  Saturday, December 24th     9:00 AM Sunday, December 25th  8:00 AM & 10:00 AM Confession: 1/2 hour before Masses
Photographer Needed We are in need of a photographer for the special occasions here at Sacred Heart. If you enjoy taking pictures and would like to volunteer please call the parish office 260-744-2519. The pictures will be put in the bulletin if space allows.
Scrip We are making a small amount of money with Scrip but only 4 families are using it.  Please take a look at the forms to order at the front entrance to see if there are places that you shop at. If so, just state the amount you would like to purchase. The form will let you know the percentage the Parish receives from your Scrip purchase. Please submit the form with a check by dropping it in the collection basket. For any questions please call Kim at the office 260-744-2519. All orders must be prepaid and will be placed on Tuesday of each week. Your orders will then come to the office and you will be called (please leave a phone number)  when they arrive to pick them up at the office or at church the following Sunday. Due to processing costs, in order to make a few dollars we have to put in an order of $300 or more. Consequently, if we do not get enough people using Scrip we may not be able to order every week. Everyone buys things that they need. If more people participate the parish could easily earn $100 per week.
St Vincent de Paul Collection A special collection will be next Sunday, Dec 25th for the SVdP Society. This collection helps the needy in our area with their utilities and also with the Fr. Solanus Food Basket. Please use the Special Collections Envelope at the entrances if you would like to be acknowledged for your contribution. At the top of the Envelope please mark SVdP Society along with your name. Thank You!
Special Collection A special collection will be next Sunday, December 25th, for Catholic Charities. There will be an envelope marked Special Collections Envelope at the entrances. Please pick one up if you would like to be acknowledged for your contribution. At the top of the Envelope please mark what  the collection is for along with your name. Thank You!