Second Sunday after Pentecost

June 18, 2017

Weekly Announcements

The Real Presence   Holy Mother Church has sanctioned the use of specific and highly technical terminology about the Eucharist so that there be absolutely no possibility of erring in a matter so important to the life of the Church.  The term "Real Presence" is a perfect example of this.  We now speak of the "real presence" of Christ in the Eucharist as opposed to the "true presence" of Christ.  We know Christ is truly present in the Eucharist.  But it is also the case that He is truly present in the Sacred Scriptures.  He is truly present in any gathering of the faithful ("where two or three are gathered in my name..." -- Mt. 18:20)  but He is only really present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Eucharist.  The word "real" is derived from the Latin "res" meaning simply "thing" but in its extended meaning denoting fullness of substance.  Pope Urban IV, in his document Transiturus extending the feast of Corpus Christi to the entire church, reminds us of this: "Other things whose memory we keep we embrace spiritually and mentally: we do not thereby obtain their real presence. However, in this sacramental commemoration of Christ, Jesus Christ is present with us in His proper substance..."   The Real Presence, therefore, is the way we speak of Christ's presence in the Eucharist, to distinguish it from every other way in which he is present in and to His Mystical Body. And it is truly a singular miracle, on par with the Incarnation itself. This is why formerly (again sadly changed with the rubrical reform of 1960) the preface of the Nativity was used for the Mass of Corpus Christi and votive Masses of the Blessed Sacrament.  By this, the faithful were reminded of the link between the Incarnation and the Holy Eucharist.
  • Sunday, June 18 - Second Sunday after Pentecost     8:00 a.m.    Mary Spence†     10:00 a.m.    Pro Populo
  • Monday, June 19 - St. Juliana Falconieri, Virgin     7:30 a.m.    Katherine DeLaGrange
  • Tuesday, June 20 - Feria     7:30 a.m.   Helen Smith   
  • Wednesday, June 21 - St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Confessor     6:00 p.m.    Katie Baumle
  • Thursday, June 22 - St. Paulinus, Bishop     7:30 a.m.    Fr James Buckley
  • Friday, June 23 -  Sacred Heart of Jesus     6:00 p.m.   Ron & Marilyn Shannon Family
  • Saturday, June 24 - Nativity of St. John the Baptist     9:00 a.m.    FSSP
  • Sunday, June 25 - Third Sunday after Pentecost     8:00 a.m.    Poor Souls     10:00 a.m.    Pro Populo
Special Collection There will be a special collection next Sunday, June 25th for Peter’s Pence. There is an envelope marked Special Collections Envelope at the entrances. Please pick one up if you would like to be acknowledged for your contribution. At the top of the Envelope please mark what  the collection is for along with your name. Thank You!
St Vincent de Paul Collection There will be a special collection next Sunday, June 25th for the SVdP Society. This collection helps those in need in our area with their utilities and also with the our food bank. Please use the Special Collections  Envelope at the entrances if you would like to be acknowledged for your contribution. At the top of the Envelope please mark SVdP Society along with your name. Thank You!
Have You Made Your Pentecost Collection Donation? Thank You! - To all who have donated to the          Pentecost Collection for the Education for our Seminarians in our Diocese. Your gift has helped fund the education cost of our seminarians here at the Diocese of Fort Wayne/South Bend. Your generosity is an investment in the future of the Church. If you have not yet donated, please feel free to donate online at the diocesan website, or you can drop your donation in the collection basket.
St. Vincent de Paul “Brown Bag Collection” Please continue to help our food bank here at Sacred Heart by taking a brown bag and filling it with non perishable foods. Every Friday the   Sacred Heart St Vincent de Paul Society has a food bank that is open to anyone living in the Fort Wayne area. We currently serve an average of 110 families. Please bring the filled bag back by the 2nd Sunday of each month and we will exchange it with another empty brown bag. This gives everyone an opportunity to help feed the poor in our city and work on our corporal works of mercy. Thank you in advance to all those who help us keep our food bank going.
Scrip   Scrip is a very easy way to help the parish financially without increasing your Sunday contribution.  Please take a look at the order forms to see if there are   vendors that you frequent. If so, just fill in the amount you would like to purchase. You will receive a gift card back that can be used any time and   never expires. Please submit the form with a check by dropping it in the collection basket. For any questions call the office at 260-744-2519. All orders must be prepaid and will be placed on Monday of each week. Due to processing costs, in order to make a few dollars we have to have a combined total of all orders come to $400 or more. Your small order can help to reach this threshold.
Friday, June 23 -- Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus This Friday is our patronal feast. We will have a High Mass at 6 PM, followed by the festivities described in the following announcement.   HE MUST INCREASE, BUT I MUST DECREASE This year, the Vigil of the Feast of St. John the Baptist is June 23, also the Feast of the Sacred Heart. We will have a High Mass at 6 PM (a little earlier than usual for our evening High Masses) for the principal feast of our parish, followed by the traditional blessing of the fire outside the church after Mass. A potluck supper will follow. Please bring a meatless dish to share. Additionally, there will be games for the children. Any brave adults can attempt the traditional leaping over the fire... This is also a good time to burn any worn out scapulars or other blessed items that one might have. The ideal would be that one of the parish families would host this celebration, but the timing  coinciding with the Feast of the Sacred Heart makes this impractical this year. The symbolism of the fire, which was typically watched until it went out late in the night, should be clear. At midsummer, the days are longest, representing the fullness of preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The chosen people had all the scriptures and the prophets, culminating in St. John the Baptist, greater than which there was none among the sons of women, as our Lord reminded the Jews.  But He also observed that the least in the kingdom of heaven was greater than John. So we contrast this the longest day of the year with the shortest, when our Lord came into this world in the flesh, in obscurity in a manger in Bethlehem, the bright light piercing through the darkness.
Photographer Needed We are in need of a photographer for the special occasions here at Sacred Heart. If you enjoy taking pictures and would like to volunteer please call the     parish office 260-744-2519. The pictures will be put in the bulletin if space allows.
New Table & Chairs The Rosary Sodality was able to purchase one table and eight chairs. We are asking for donations for new tables and chairs at the potlucks and coffee & donut functions. We will purchase these as the funds come in. It cost $365.29 for a table and eight chairs. We  only need $165 more and we will be able to purchase two more tables and 16 chairs. Thank you everyone for your support!