Second Sunday of Lent

March 12, 2017

Weekly Announcements

 CREDO (continued)       (Taken from Notes Made at the Conferences of Dom Prosper Guéranger). Crucifixus etiam pro nobis, sub Pontio Pilato passus et sepultus est.  Crucifixus. The Apostles’ Creed has the same expression; the Apostles were bent on saying that our Lord was crucified, not content with simply stating that He died; and this, because it was of high importance to signalise, to all, the Victory of the Cross, over Satan. As we were ruined by the wood, so God willed that our salvation also should be wrought by the wood, as we elsewhere sing: ipse lignum tunc notavit, damna ligni ut solveret. [Himself designated the wood to repair the damage done by the wood] Yes; it was fitting that the artifice of our enemy should be foiled by his own trick itself: et medelam ferret inde, hostis unde laeserat [and thence take the cure, whence the enemy had made the harm], and that the remedy should be drawn thence, whence the enemy had taken the poison. It is for this very reason, that the Apostles were careful to lay so much stress on the manner of Christ’s being put to death; and when first announcing the faith, to pagans, they at once spoke of the Cross. St. Paul writing to the Corinthians, tells them that, when he first came amongst them, he had not judged it meet to preach unto them anything else but Jesus, and Jesus crucified: Et enim judicavi me scire aliquid inter vos, nisi Jesum Christum et hunc crucifixum. (1 Cor. ii. 2). And previously, too, he had said to them: And we preach Christ Crucified: a scandal, indeed, to the Jews, and to the Gentiles foolishness: Judaeis quidem scandalum, Gentibus autem stultitiam. (1 Cor. i. 23). Jesus Christ was crucified, and the Creed adds: pro nobis. In the same way as we say propter nos homines descendit de coelis, it was fitting that Holy Church should impress upon us, that, if our Lord was crucified, it was for us. Crucifixus etiam pro nobis: sub Pontio Pilato passus. The name of the Roman Governor is here mentioned also by the Apostles, because it marks a date. Et sepultus est. Christ suffered; that is very true; but what is just as true also is, that He was buried, and it must needs so have been; for had He not been buried, how could that prophecy have been accomplished, wherein it was said that He should rise again on the third day? By this also was proved the reality of His Death, complete and not fictitious Death, - since burial took place, just as is practiced in the case of other men.
  • Sunday, March 12 - Second Sunday of Lent     8:00 a.m.    Rene Ryckman     10:00 a.m.    Pro Populo
  • Monday, March 13 - Feria of Lent     7:30 a.m.    James Gill
  • Tuesday, March 14 - Feria of Lent     7:30 a.m.    Bill Dukelow
  • Wednesday, March 15 - Feria of Lent     6:00 p.m.    †Rocco Pilero
  • Thursday, March 16 - Feria of Lent     7:30 a.m.    †Jane D Spencer
  • Friday, March 17 - Feria of Lent     6:30 p.m.    †Nicholas Cipparone
  • Saturday, March 18 - Feria of Lent     9:00 a.m.    †Nicholas Phlipot
  • Sunday, March 19 - Third Sunday of Lent     8:00 a.m.     Rose Ann Eichman     10:00 a.m.    Pro Populo
Flowers for Easter      On March 19th we will have a second collection for our Easter flowers. There will be a special envelope marked for flowers at the entrances of Church. The envelopes will be out from now till April 2nd if you were unable to get your contribution in by March 19th. Whatever money that is brought in will be what is used to purchase the flowers.
Stations of the Cross There will be Stations of the Cross each Friday evening during Lent beginning at 6 PM, followed by Mass at 6:30 PM. Please join us for this special Lenten devotion. Normal Friday/First Friday devotions will be suspended during Lent.
POTLUCK on March 19 Following the 10a.m. Mass on Sunday, March 19th, there will be a potluck to celebrate the Feast of St.  Joseph. The potluck will replace the usual 3rd Sunday coffee and donuts.  Please bring a dish to share. Coffee will be provided.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS Sacrament of Confirmation -- Sunday, Dec. 17, 2017. The location is tentatively St. Stanislaus Church in South Bend. Time to be announced. Classes will start in the late summer/early fall.
HELP WANTED The pastor does not "do" ladders.  On Saturday, April 1, the crucifix and all the statues in the church, some of which are at higher elevations, must be veiled after Mass in preparation for Passiontide.  If you can help with this please contact the pastor by calling the office or email
Scrip      Please take a look at the Scrip order forms at the front  entrance to see if there are vendors that you frequent. If so, just fill in the amount you would like to purchase. The form will let you know the percentage the Parish receives from your Scrip purchase. Submit the form with a check of your total purchase by dropping it in the collection basket. For any questions please call Kim at the office 260-744-2519. All orders must be prepaid and will be placed on Monday of each week. Your orders will then come to the office and you will be called to pick them up or at church the following Sunday. Due to processing costs, in order to make a few dollars we have to put in an order of $300 or more.
St. Vincent de Paul “Brown Bag Collection” Please pick up a brown bag marked SVdP Food Bank fill it with nonperishable food and bring it back by the 2nd Sunday of each month and we will exchange it with another   empty brown bag. This gives everyone an opportunity to help feed the poor in our city and work on our corporal works of mercy. Thank you in advance to all those who helped us last month.
Church Cleaners Needed!       We are in need of people who would like to volunteer to help clean the church weekly. If you are interested please call Susan Devens at 744-1561.
New Life Tree Visit the New Life Tree in the back of Church. Items to be collected for those in need of support. Specifically the Women's Care Center, items to be given and allocated according to their guidelines and needs. The tree has ornaments that have items written on them. The list of items requested will be specifically put together by the Women's Care Center representatives. Things like gently used baby clothes, baby shampoo, wipes, monetary donations, etc will be on the tree to choose from. This will continue up to Holy Week. Items would be brought back to Sacred Heart where they will be picked up and delivered to the Women's Care Center. If you have any questions please call Erin Rivera at 260-246-0232.
REGULATIONS FOR LENT The following are the barest minimum obligations which must be observed by Catholics under pain of serious sin (if there is no serious excusing cause). Abstinence from meat is observed on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent by all Catholics 14 years of age and older. Fasting is observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59 years of age. Those bound by this rule may take only one full meatless meal. Two smaller meals, not equaling together a full meal, are permitted as necessary to maintain strength according to one’s needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. If there are any questions about when one would not be obliged to this observance, please contact the office. The older regulations are given bellow for those who wish to observe Lent in a more traditional manner.
OLDER LENTEN REGULATIONS FOR DEVOTIONAL PURPOSES (NO LONGER BINDING ON THE CONSCIENCES OF CATHOLICS) Fasting was observed on all days of Lent, Sundays excepted. Contrary to what many believe and what many currently available “traditional” calendars claim, this even applied to major feast days (St. Joseph and the Annunciation), in order to preserve the integrity of the forty days of fast. Complete abstinence from meat was observed on Fridays and the Ember Days of Lent. Partial abstinence (meat allowed once) was observed on the remaining days. Although these regulations no longer bind, anyone able to do so is exhorted to follow the more strict, traditional fast and abstinence during the season of Lent.