Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

October 2, 2016

Weekly Announcements

JUDICA ME (From conferences on the Holy Mass given by Dom Prosper Gueranger) Having made the sign of the Cross, the Priest says the Antiphon: Introibo ad altare Dei, as an introduction to the 42nd Psalm. This Antiphon is always said, both before and after the Psalm, which he at once begins: Judica me Deus. He says the whole of it, alternately with the Ministers. This Psalm was selected on account of the verse Introibo ad altare Dei: I will go unto the altar of God. It is most appropriate as a beginning to the Holy Sacrifice. We may remark here, that the Church always selects the Psalms she uses, because of some special verse which is appropriate to what she does, or to what she wishes to express. The Psalm, of which we are now speaking, was not in the more ancient Missals: its usage was established by Pope Pius the Fifth, in 1568. When we hear the Priest saying this Psalm, we understand to whom it refers:- it refers to our Lord, and it is in his name, that the Priest recites it. We are told this by the very first verse: Ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man. The verse here used as an Antiphon, shows us that David was still young when he composed this Psalm; for, after saying, that he is going to the Altar of God, he says: Ad Deum, qui laetificat juventutem meam: To God, who giveth joy to my youth. He expresses astonishment at his soul being sad; and, at once, cheers himself, by rousing his hope in God; hence, his song is full of gladness. It is on account of the joy which is the characteristic of this Psalm, that holy Church would have it be omitted in Masses for the Dead, in which we are about to pray for the repose of a soul, whose departure from this life leaves us in uncertainty and grief. It is omitted, also, during Passiontide, in which season, the Church is all absorbed in the sufferings of her divine Spouse; and these preclude all joy. This 42nd Psalm is an appropriate introduction to the Mass, inasmuch as it is our Lord whom it will bring among us. Who is He that is to be sent to the Gentiles, but He that is Light and Truth? David foresaw all this; and, therefore, he uttered the prayer: Emitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam. We take his prayer and make it ours; and we say to our heavenly Father: send forth Him, who is thy Light and thy Truth! The Psalm having been terminated by the Gloria Patri, and the Antiphon repeated, the Priest asks for God's assistance, saying Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini: Our help is in the name of the Lord: To which the Ministers reply: Qui fecit coelum et terram: Who hath made heaven and earth. In the Psalm just recited, the Priest expressed his ardent desire to possess our Lord, who is Light and Truth: but the very thought, that he, - a sinful creature, - is about to meet this Lord of his, makes him feel the need he has of help. True, - God has willed this meeting; he has even vouchsafed to prescribe it as one of our duties: and yet, notwithstanding, man is continually made to feel his unworthiness and nothingness. Before going further in the holy Sacrifice, he is determined to humble himself, and confess that he is a sinner. He encourages himself to this, by making the sign of the Cross, and imploring God's aid. He then begins the avowal of his sins.                                   (to be continued...)
  • Sunday, Oct 2 - 20th Sunday after Pentecost  10:00 a.m.   Pro Populo 
  • Mon, Oct 3 - St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, Virgin   7:30 a.m.   In Honor of St. Theresa
  • Tuesday, Oct 4 - St. Francis of Assisi, Confessor  7:30 a.m.   Gene Fox
  • Wednesday, Oct 5 - Feria 6:00 p.m.   Int to the Immaculate Heart
  • Thursday, Oct 6 - St. Bruno, Confessor    7:30 a.m.   †Dale Wilson
  • Friday, Oct 7 - Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary   6:00 p.m.   †Katie Baumle
  • Saturday, Oct 8 - St. Bridget, Widow    9:00 a.m.   Sam Woenker
  • Sunday, Oct 9 - 21st Sunday after Pentecost   10:00 a.m.   Pro Populo
First Friday-Frist Saturday Just a reminder that this week will be the First   Friday and First Saturday of the month. Our Lord has asked that we make 9 First Fridays in reparation for sin. He has given 12 promises for those who make the 9 First Fridays. The Blessed Mother has requested we make the 5 Frist Saturdays also in reparation for sin. The reward for fulfilling these requests is far greater than the effort to complete these devotions Please join us.      Friday - Confessions 5:30 pm. Mass at 6 pm.      Saturday - Rosary 8:25 am. Confessions 8:30 and Mass at 9 am.
St. Vincent de Paul Youth We are recruiting young people for our Youth St. Vincent de Paul Society. It is an opportunity for Youth to use their talents to make a difference in others’ lives. The age group that would be invited to join are 7th graders through Seniors in High School. Youth will put their faith into action, develop social   justice advocacy awareness, participate in various service projects, develop leadership skills, grow closer to God by serving others, build young leaders for   tomorrow’s future and increase self-worth. The days we are discussing to meet would be Wednesdays 5:00 pm or Friday at 5:00 pm. We meet once a month. This is a great opportunity for youth to become more involved in the parish.   Contact Kim at 260-744-2519 or 260-267-8371 or by email  Thank You, Fr. Widmann! Fr. Philip Widmann, who takes care of the           Cathedral Museum at the Noll Center in downtown Fort Wayne, has generously donated some of the   museum's duplicate items to the parish. Most           importantly, the parish now owns a copy of the Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae, which is needed to carry out the Holy Week rituals. He also provided the parish with the wooden "clacker" (lat. crotalus) which takes the place of the bells from the Gloria on Holy Thursday through the Gloria on Holy Saturday.  For some reason the parish had been without these things in the past, so we are grateful to Fr. Widmann and to  Almighty God for his providence. Sanctuary Improvements Using some of the sanctuary beautification funds, we were able to purchase taller and more beautiful High Mass candlesticks for the altar.  Once we have extended the altar forward, we will be able to fit a   larger, more beautiful tabernacle on the altar. The way the altar is set up currently does not permit a large tabernacle to fit, as the gradine is only 16 inches deep and cannot be extended further into the altar, which has only 19 inches in depth of working space, which is already too cramped. It is assumed that this was meant to be a transitional situation, and we hope to have it remedied soon. Annual Bishop’s Appeal      We apologize to anyone who received a Spanish ABA card to fill out. Some were sent to us by mistake and we didn’t realize it. There are English ABA cards at the entrance of the Church. We have received 17% towards our goal of $11,109. Thanks to all who have already given! For those who have not please prayerfully consider what you might be able to give. Pledge cards are available by the front entrance you may place them in the collection basket or mail. May God reward you! SACRED HEART PARISH FINANCES
  •  9/25 Offertory    $                 921.00
  •                   Loose    $                 325.00
  • Year to Date Budgeted   $33,194.00
  • Year to Date Actual        $24,480.00
  • Surplus (Shortfall)         $ ( 6,343.00)
Annual Bishop’s Appeal  $            1,693.00 May God reward you!